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First of all, thank you for your attention. Pertama, terima kasih atas perhatian Anda. Thank you for your attention and for the time spent together! Terima kasih atas perhatian anda dan untuk waktu yang dihabiskan bersama-sama! Ok, that is all, thank you for your attention. Itu saja dan terimakasih atas perhatian kalian.

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Indonesian. Contoh kontekstual "thank you for your attention" di bahasa Indonesia. Kalimat ini berasal dari sumber eksternal dan mungkin tidak akurat. tidak bertanggung jawab atas isinya. Well, thank you for your attention. Baiklah, terima kasih untuk perhatian Anda.

Thanks For Your Attention Картинки Для Презентации Telegraph

Arti thank dalam Bahasa Inggris sendiri adalah express gratitude to someone, especially by saying thank you. Pengertian tersebut berarti menunjukkan rasa terima kasih kepada seseorang, terutama dengan mengucapkan terima kasih. Dari pengertian ini bisa kita pahami bahwa thank lebih kepada menunjukkan, menyatakan, atau menyampaikan terima kasih.

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Sudah bukan hal baru bahwa dalam menjaga perilaku, ada 3 hal yang penting untuk selalu diucapkan, yaitu: tolong, maaf, dan terima kasih. Nah, artikel kali ini akan fokus membahas tentang bagian terakhir yaitu "terima kasih" atau "thank you" dalam bahasa Inggris.. Hal ini adalah sangat lumrah dan kerap terdengar baik dalam bahasa percakapan sehari-hari maupun dalam tampilan teks.

Картинки с надписью 8212 Thank you for your attention 40 картинок

KEY TAKEAWAYS. "Thank you for your attention" is grammatically correct and suitable for formal contexts. "Thank you for your time" is another professional alternative you can use in place of "thank you for your attention.". "Thanks for hearing me out" is a suitable informal alternative. Don't go anywhere!

Картинки с надписью Thank you for your attention (40 картинок) 🔥

Your focus on this matter has not gone unnoticed. I'm thankful for the careful attention you've given. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration. I appreciate your concentrated focus on this issue. Thanks for your mindful review of the matter. Your attention to detail is truly valued. 1.

Text THANK YOU for YOUR ATTENTION on the Blue Sticker on the Yellow Background Stock Image

Terima kasih atas perhatian anda! Com, thanks for your attention. Com, terima kasih atas perhatian Anda. Thanks for your attention and see you at the meeting. Terima kasih atas perhatian anda dan sampai jumpa di acara. Thanks for your attention thus far. Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda sejauh ini.

“Thank you for your attention” — Meaning, Context & Example Emails

I think the most natural phrasing would be: Thank you for your kind attention. Note that it is your instead of you, and that kind attention should not be capitalized as it is not a proper noun. Kindly can be used in a few different ways, none of which apply to your first sentence:. As an adverb, meaning in a kind way.This usage does not make sense in your first sentence: since you are using.

Картинки с надписью 8212 Thank you for your attention 40 картинок

Asking for attention adalah sebuah ekspresi atau ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta perhatian orang lain. Perhatian yang dimaksud bisa dalam arti luas, misalnya minta perhatian saat memberikan informasi, bercerita, berbicara, dan lain sebagainya. Pada akhirnya, setiap orang pasti membutuhkan ungkapan asking for attention terutama ketika.

Animated Thanks For Your Attention

The words " thank you " derive from the word " think," which had the original meaning of " I'll remember what you did for me ," or " I'm in your debt.". " Thank you for your attention " would start to enter the English language in the first recorded formats of business writing between parties, and it would go on to be a.

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Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

Handwritten Lettering of Thanks for Attention. Vector Illustration Stock Vector Illustration

It even proofreads your text, so your work is extra polished wherever you write. "Thanks in advance" is a rather loaded sign-off. On one hand, a study by the email app Boomerang ranked it as the sign-off most likely to get a response. (Other forms of "thank you" also ranked at the top.) Clearly, gratitude is a solid way to end an email.

Thank You For Your Attention Images

attention {kata benda} volume_up. attention (juga: care, caution, concern, consideration, count, emphasis, interest, notice) volume_up. perhatian {kt bnd} more_vert. So we have a very focused, purpose-driven kind of attention. expand_more Jadi, kita mempunyai perhatian yang sangat fokus, terarah.

10 Better Ways To Say "Thank You For Your Attention" (Formal)

It would be useful to check out some of the following alternatives to see which one works best for you: Thank you for your support in this matter. Thank you for your time. Your attention is appreciated. Thank you for listening. Thanks for taking the time out of your day. I'm grateful for your support at this time. Your support is highly valued.

Thanks For Your Attention Картинки Для Презентации Telegraph

thanks (juga: gratitude) volume_up. terima kasih {kt bnd} more_vert. (Laughter) Thanks to the increasing technology, better technology, it will be safe. expand_more (Tawa) Terima kasih kepada teknologi yang semakin berkembang dan semakin baik, semua akan menjadi aman. thanks (juga: favor) volume_up. berkat {kt bnd}

Картинки с надписью 8212 Thank you for your attention 40 картинок

5. I Really Appreciate It. Ungkapan terima kasih ke-empat yang artinya lebih dari Thank You adalah " I really appreciate it ". Artinya " aku sangat menghargai bantuanmu ". Ungkapan seperti ini sangat cocok digunakan pada situasi yang lebih resmi. Misalkan dalam hal bisnis, kerja di kantor, perusahaan, dan sebagainya.

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