1 Ada seorang Farisi yang bernama Nikodemus, seorang pemimpin agama Yahudi. 2 Ia datang pada waktu malam kepada Yesus dan berkata, "Rabi, kami tahu bahwa Engkau datang sebagai guru yang diutus Allah; sebab tidak ada seorang pun yang dapat mengadakan tanda-tanda yang Engkau adakan itu, jika Allah tidak menyertainya." 3 Yesus menjawab.

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Nicodemus, whose name meant "victory of the people," was impressive enough to have won over the admiration of his people. He wasn't just saintly or a significant or successful; he was all three in one! John 3:1 introduces him as "a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council.". First, Nicodemus was a.

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Nikodemus. Nikodemus ( bahasa Yunani: Νικόδημος, Nikodēmos) adalah nama seorang Yahudi, yang disebut dalam bagian Perjanjian Baru di Alkitab Kristen, terutama Injil Yohanes. Dicatat bahwa ia adalah seorang pemimpin agama orang Yahudi dan termasuk kelompok yang disebut sebagai Farisi. [1] [2] Ia adalah salah satu duta besar yang.

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1) Nicodemus meets Jesus secretly. Nicodemus first appears in the Bible in John chapter 3 when he desires to know more about Jesus and His teachings. As an introduction, Nicodemus complements Jesus saying, "Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.

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1 Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. Nicodemus is named here as ruler of the Hoi Iudaioi. While we cannot know this for sure, it is probable that Nicodemus was a member of the Sanhedrin, the Jewish ruling council whose limited authority was sanctioned by Roman government. It is obvious that Nicodemus had an uneasy connection with the Hoi Iudaioi.


Nikodemus adalah satu-satunya - seorang akademisi, pemimpin agama Yahudi, dan orang Farisi - yang dengan inisiatifnya sendiri datang menemui Tuhan Yesus. Dia datang menemui Yesus di waktu malam, karena dia takut ketahuan oleh kelompoknya yang akan berakibat buruk baginya. Dia menemui Tuhan Yesus karena dia merasa bahwa Tuhan Yesus memiliki…

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Jawaban. Semua yang kita ketahui tentang Nikodemus dalam Alkitab berasal dari pembacaan kitab Injil Yohanes. Di dalam Yohanes 3:1, sosok ini disebut sebagai seorang Farisi. Para Farisi adalah kelompok orang Yahudi yang menafsirkan dan memelihara Hukum secara harafiah dan ketat, dan seringkali menentang Yesus dalam pelayanan-Nya.

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Nikodemus ingin mereka mendengar apa yang Yesus katakan sebelum menghukumnya. Tetapi mereka cemburu kepada Yesus dan menuduh Nikodemus tidak mengetahui Galilea ( Yohanes 7:50-52 ). Lihat juga: siapakah orang Farisi dan Saduki itu? Ketika Yesus mati, Nikodemus membantu Yusuf dari Arimatea untuk menguburkan jenazah.

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Nikodemus adalah seorang pemimpin kelompok orang Yahudi yang disebut sebagai Farisi. Dia telah melihat mukjizat yang dilakukan Yesus dan telah mendengar ajaran Yesus. Dia percaya bahwa Yesus benar-benar seorang Guru yang diutus Allah. Dia ingin bertemu Yesus dan bercakap-cakap dengan-Nya, tetapi ia menunggu sampai malam tiba.

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Gospel narrative Nicodemus Visiting Christ, 1899 painting.Nicodemus (left) talking to Jesus, by Henry Ossawa Tanner Christus und Nicodemus, by Fritz von Uhde (1848-1911). As is the case with Lazarus, Nicodemus is not part of the tradition of the synoptic Gospels, and is mentioned only by John, who devotes more than half of Chapter 3 of his gospel and a few verses of Chapter 7 to Nicodemus.

Dialog Yesus Dengan Nikodemus

Nicodemus was an early follower of Jesus Christ, uniquely mentioned only in the fourth gospel, the Gospel of John.According to that gospel, he was a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin (the Jewish Council) in Jerusalem at the time of the trial and crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth.. The Gospel of John. In the Synoptic Gospels (Mark, Matthew, Luke), Jesus is born human but attained the.

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NICODEMUS nĭk' ə de' məs (Νικόδημος, G3773, victor over the people), a Pharisee and later a disciple of Jesus (John 19:38-42).Although the name was common among the Jews of the 1st cent., this is the only man in the NT to bear it ().A Nicodemus ben Gorion, who was a brother to the historian Josephus, a very wealthy member of the Sanhedrin in the 1st cent. has been identified by.

Nikodemus Rihi Heke, Figur yang Sukses Bawa Pariwisata Sarai Go International Beranda Nusantara

According to John 7:50-51, Nicodemus was a member of the Sanhedrin, which was the ruling body of the Jews. Each city could have a Sanhedrin, which functioned as the "lower courts.". Under Roman authority in the time of Christ, the Jewish nation was allowed a measure of self-rule, and the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem was the final court of.


Alkitab mengenal banyak tokoh penting yang menjadi teladan dan contoh bagi umat manusia di seluruh dunia. Salah satu tokoh penting tersebut adalah Nikodemus, yang disebutkan dalam Injil Yohanes. Namun, siapakah Nikodemus sebenarnya? Mengapa ia begitu penting dalam Alkitab? Mari kita kenali lebih jauh sosok yang satu ini.Pengenalan NikodemusNikodemus adalah seorang Farisi yang disebutkan dalam.

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Nicodemus is a prominent figure in the New Testament of the Bible, specifically in the Gospel of John. He is important because his interaction with Jesus provides significant theological insights and is central to the Christian understanding of faith, rebirth, and salvation. We know from John 3 that Nicodemus was a Pharisee, a member of the.

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Nicodemus. Known for: Nicodemus was a leading Pharisee and well-recognized religious leader of the Jewish people. He was also a member of the Sanhedrin, the supreme court in ancient Israel. Bible References: The story of Nicodemus and his relationship with Jesus develops in three episodes of the Bible: John 3:1-21, John 7:50-52, and John 19:38-42.

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