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This official podcast from Krishnamurti Foundation Trust now has over 200 weekly episodes. Episodes 1-50 feature conversations between Krishnamurti and luminaries from many paths, along with readings of the classic book Commentaries on Living by actor Terence Stamp. Episode 51 onwards features carefully chosen extracts based on a theme explored.

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the whole movement of experience, knowledge, tradition, and thought. All these things are limited, fragmented, reactive, bondage to the past; they go hand in hand with division, reliance on ideals, attachment, habit, identification, ambition, loneliness, and conflict. It is the 'knowledge of many yesterdays'.


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Komisaris Besar Polisi (Pol.) Krishna Murti, S.IK., M.Si. adalah seorang perwira menengah Polri yang sejak 13 Mei 2015 mengemban amanat sebagai Direskrimum Polda Metro Jaya. Krishna merupakan lulusan Akademi Kepolisian (Akpol) 1991. Sebelumnya, dia menjabat sebagai Pamen Divhubinter Polri. Krishna.

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Ternyata Ayah Irjen Krishna Murti Bukan Orang Sembarangan. Instagram @krishnamurti_bd91 ©2022 - Buah jatuh tak jauh dari pohonnya. Irjen Pol. Krishna Murti rupanya bukan lahir dari sosok keluarga sembarangan. Kepiawaian Krishna dalam mengabdi kepada ibu pertiwi diturunkan dari sang ayah.

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Krishnamurti and the Ojai Valley. By Ellen Sklarz. "He traveled the world for sixty-five years and spoke to more people than anyone else in modern history. His name was J. Krishnmaurti.". -From the 1989 documentary film, With a Silent Mind. Jiddu Krishnamurti was born on May 12, 1895, in south India to middle-class Brahmin parents.

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Di sisi lain, Jessica sempat disebut-sebut berasal dari keluarga konglomerat. Namun, hal ini dibantah oleh ibunya. Dalam sebuah wawancara pada 2016 lalu, Imelda Wongso membantah soal keluarganya yang disebut konglomerat. Ia juga menyebut Jessica hanya pekerja biasa dan menerima gaji bulanan selayaknya pegawai lain.

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Krishnamurti spoke for nearly 60 years, addressing the whole of humanity and the entire field of human consciousness. His teachings of more than 20,000,000 words are published in more than 75 books, 700 audiocassettes, and 1200 videocassettes. Go to Complete Collection for a complete repository of the published teachings.

Radha Krishna Murti, राधा कृष्ण की मूर्ति, राधा कृष्णा स्टेचू in Rajarhat, Kolkata , Vedic

Krishna Murti. Mayjen TNI. (Purn.) H. Bom Soerjanto (ayah) Irjen Pol. Krishna Murti, S.I.K., M.Si. (lahir 15 Januari 1970) adalah seorang perwira tinggi Polri yang sejak 14 Oktober 2022 mengemban amanat sebagai Kepala Divisi Hubungan Internasional Polri . Krishna, merupakan lulusan Akpol 1991 ini berpengalaman di bidang reserse.

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This channel is managed by Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, UK, and Krishnamurti Foundation of America. The role of the foundations was described by Krishnamurti when he said, 'The foundations will.

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The Krishnamurti Retreat, part of the Krishnamurti Center in Ojai is an oasis for the mind in a peaceful setting where individuals can explore the teachings of J. Krishnamurti, reconnect with nature, and establish a new relationship with life. Please contact us via email or phone if you wish to make a booking. Krishnamurti Retreat is an oasis.

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Pria kelahiran 15 Januari 1970 ini mengawali kariernya sebagai Perwira Pertama Polda Jawa Tengah setelah lulus dari dari Akpol pada tahun 1991. Kemudian Krishna memutuskan untuk pindah jalur ke reserse. Krishna bahkan sampai diledek atasannya lantaran Krishna mengambil sekolah kedinasan pada Satuan Kerja Lalu Lintas.

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Uppaluri Gopala Krishnamurti (9 July 1918 - 22 March 2007) "The greatest living Yogi I have ever met," Krishnamacharya said of UG Krishnamurti. The fact that Krishnamacharya recognised U.G.'s realization of Yoga is profoundly significant. Krishnamacharya, who was deeply informed of humankind's wisdom traditions from primordial to.

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Feb. 18, 1986 12 AM PT. Times Staff Writer. Jiddu Krishnamurti, the Indian philosopher who was proclaimed in his childhood to be the new messiah but then spent almost all his entire adult life.

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Ojai, California. Pekerjaan. public speaker, Penulis, Filsuf. Orang tua. Narainiah dan Sanjeevamma Jiddu. Jiddu Krishnamurti (12 Mei 1895 - 17 Februari 1986), anak ke delapan dari sebuah keluarga brahmana. Beliau adalah seorang meditator, penulis dan sering memberikan ceramah tentang kehidupan.

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