Ways to say Nice to meet you English vocabulary words, Learn english words, English words

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If so, please let me know the best way and time for us to meet. Again, it's very nice to meet you, and I appreciate your time. [Signoff], [Your first and last name] [Your professional title] [Your company] [Your phone number] Related: How To Write an Email Subject Line That Gets Responses. See how your salary compares.

Other Ways To Say Nice To Meet You English Study Here

Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris kali ini akan membahas tentang berbagai macam cara untuk mengatakan "Senang berkenalan dengan Anda" dalam bahasa Inggris. Pada umumnya, Anda hanya cukup mengucapkan "Nice to meet you" saja dalam sebuah percakapan dengan orang yang baru dikenal. Akan tetapi, bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa yang patut untuk dipelajari lebih mendalam dan dilihat bagaimana.

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Layanan Google yang ditawarkan tanpa biaya ini dapat langsung menerjemahkan berbagai kata, frasa, dan halaman web ke bahasa Indonesia dan lebih dari 100 bahasa lainnya.

Nice to meet you! English NOW!

keluargaku. How to say "Nice to meet you!" in Indonesian and in 45 More languages. Hungarian Örülök, hogy találkoztunk! Korean 만나서 반가워요. Castilian Spanish Es un placer conocerte. Japanese はじめまして. French Enchanté ! Mandarin Chinese 幸会!.

20+ Different Ways to Say "NICE TO MEET YOU" ESLBuzz Learning English

Pleased to meet you. (formal) It's a pleasure to meet you. (formal) Lovely to meet you. (informal) Glad to meet you. (formal dan informal) Jika kamu bertemu dengan seseorang untuk kedua kalinya, atau jika kamu bertemu dengan seorang teman yang sudah lama tak kamu temui, kamu bisa bilang "nice to see you again.".

Other Ways to say Nice to Meet You 🤗🤩😍 MyEnglishTeacher.eu Blog

Indonesian Translation. senang bertemu denganmu. More Indonesian words for nice to meet you. Senang bertemu Anda. nice to meet you. senang bertemu dengan Anda. nice to meet you.

Nice to Meet You Quotes For Pleasant Meeting Events Greetings

Here are a few examples of how you might use informal ways to say "Nice to meet you": At a party: "Hey, nice to meet you. I'm [Your Name]." When meeting a friend's friend: "Nice to finally meet you, I've heard a lot about you." At a casual work event: "Good to finally meet you, I've seen your name on emails but never met.

23 Ways to Say “NICE TO MEET YOU” in English

The origin and history of "nice to meet you" is unclear. However, it seems to be a relatively modern phrase that emerged in the 20th century as a natural and informal way to greet someone. It is possible that it evolved from older expressions, such as "pleased to meet you" or "glad to meet you," which date back to the 19th century or earlier.

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Ada beberapa ungkapan yang bisa kamu ucapkan, diantaranya: 1. Nice to Meet You Too. Nice to meet you too merupakan ungkapan paling umum dalam merespon nice to meet you. Arti nice to meet you too adalah senang berkenalan denganmu juga. Berikut contoh percakapannya: A: Hi, B. Nice to meet you.

Nice to Meet You Quotes to Share on Social Media

Formal Synonyms of "Nice To Meet You". 1. It's a pleasure to meet you. Also: It's a pleasure meeting you. Consider these synonyms the standard when it comes to meeting people in professional settings. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. De La Rosa. 2. Pleased to meet you.

Nice To Meet You Mario Neal Info

Glad we had the chance to meet. Enjoyed our meeting. It was great connecting with you. Thrilled to meet you. Looking forward to working together. Appreciate the opportunity to meet you. 1. Pleased to make your acquaintance. This alternative carries a similar meaning to "nice to meet you" but adds a touch of formality.

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Here are some professional ways to say "nice to meet you" in a business context: "It's a pleasure to meet you, [Name].". "I am honored to make your acquaintance, [Name].". "I am delighted to finally meet you, [Name].". "It's a privilege to have the opportunity to meet you, [Name].".

Nice To Meet You 16 Different Ways To Say Nice To Meet You Love English

Bisa saja, namun mungkin perlu beberapa penyesuaian dari penulisannya, seperti nice to e-meet you atau nice to virtually meet you. Tenang saja, hal ini tidak mengubah makna atau artinya sama sekali kok dan penulisan seperti ini juga bisa mencairkan suasana kantor yang formal dan kaku.

Nice to Meet You Quotes For Pleasant Meeting Events Greetings

"Nice to meet you" atau "senang bertemu/ berkenalan dengan Anda" adalah frasa yang tepat untuk diucapkan ketika kita bertemu dengan orang untuk pertama kali.Frasa "nice to meet you" adalah frasa formal tetapi tidak terdengar kaku.Oleh karena itu, frasa ini juga sering digunakan dalam situasi tidak formal. Frasa "nice to meet you" frasa yang sangat umum digunakan.

"Hi" "It’s nice to meet you!" Button Nice To Meet, Meet You, Bobby Singer, Story Of The World

Contoh Kalimat Nice to Meet You dan Artinya. A: Lin, this is my brother, Jody. B: Nice to meet you, Jody. (Lin, ini saudara saya, Jody. Senang bertemu denganmu, Jody.) We can say "It's nice to meet you" when meeting somebody new. (Kita dapat berkata "Senang bertemu dengamu" ketika bertemu dengan orang baru.) A: I'm Hilda.

45 Nice Meeting You Messages It's Nice To Finally Meet You BoomSumo

Ungkapan ini memiliki arti yang sama dengan "nice to meet you", hanya saja kata "lovely" mempunyai arti yang lebih dari sekedar senang. Jadi sangat cocok diungkapan ketika pertemuan kalian berakhir dengan sangat menyenangkan. 3. Glad to meet you. Glad to meet you memiliki arti yang sama dengan "nice to meet you". Tetapi glad disini.

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