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Acetylcysteine is used for certain lung conditions when increased amounts of mucus make breathing difficult. Acetylcysteine liquefies (thins) or dissolves mucus so that it may be coughed up. Sometimes the mucus may have to be removed by suction. This medicine is available only with your doctor's prescription.

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Fluimucil Syrup obat apa? Baca selengkapnya tentang manfaat, dosis, dan efek samping dari Fluimucil Syrup di HonestDocs. Toko Kesehatan HDmall.id Penyakit; Obat;. Sediaan inhalasi / nebulasi (sebagai mucolytic) Dosis dewasa : larutan 10 % : 3-4 x sehari 6-10 mL, bisa ditingkatkan sampai 2-20 mL setiap 2-6 jam. Larutan 20 % : 3-4 x sehari 3-5.


Uses of Fluimucil. Fluimucil is used for the treatment of acute and chronic respiratory tract infections with abundant mucus secretions due to acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis and its exacerbations, pulmonary emphysema, mucoviscidosis, and bronchiectasis. Additionally, N-acetylcysteine is an antidote for paracetamol overdose and toxicity.

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FLUIMUCIL® A-600 EFFERVESCENT TABLET Acetylcysteine 600mg _____ 1 What is in this leaflet 1. What FLUIMUCIL is used for 2. How FLUIMUCIL works 3. Before you use FLUIMUCIL 4. How to use FLUIMUCIL 5. While you are using it 6. Side effects 7. Storage and Disposal of FLUIMUCIL 8. Product Description 9. Manufacturer and Product Registration Holder 10.

FLUIMUCIL 600 MG TABLET Kegunaan, Efek Samping, Dosis dan Aturan Pakai

Dosis Fluimucil. Obat ini tersedia dalam berbagai bentuk sediaan, yaitu: suntikan intravena (belum tersedia di Indonesia). Dosis obat bergantung pada kelompok usia seseorang. Agar lebih jelas, berikut uraiannya, mengutip dari MIMS. Dewasa dan anak usia lebih dari 14 tahun: 1 kapsul 2 - 3 kali sehari. Anak usia 6 - 14 tahun: 1 kapsul 2 kali.

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FLUIMUCIL A 600 mg white granules with a characteristic orange and slightly sulphureous odour. NAME AND ADDRESS OF MANUFACTURER Zambon Switzerland Ltd. Via Industria, 6814 Cadempino - Switzerland PACKAGING - FLUIMUCIL A 20, 30, 60 sachets of 600 mg acetylcysteine. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN LATO VOLTA / BACK SIDE

Fluimucil Inhalasi 100 mg Kegunaan, Efek Samping, Dosis dan Aturan Pakai Halodoc

Fluimucil adalah obat yang digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit-penyakit pada saluran pernafasan yang ditandai dengan hipersekresi dahak/mukus, misalnya, bronkitis akut atau kronis, emfisema paru, mucoviscidosis dan bronchieactasis. Fluimucil mengandung Acetylcysteine, obat yang termasuk agen mukolitik, yaitu obat yang berfungsi mengencerkan dahak.Berikut ini adalah informasi lengkap obat.

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Fluimucil is a brand name for acetylcysteine sachets and tablets which may be used to clear phlegm and liquefy thick and viscous mucus secretions caused by respiratory conditions such as acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, or bronchiectasis. It is a type of mucolytic.

FLUIMUCIL 100 MG/ML CAIRAN INHALASI 3 ML AMPUL Kegunaan, Efek Samping, Dosis dan Aturan Pakai

Deskripsi. FLUIMUCIL INHALASI 100 MG, merupakan obat inhalasi yang mengandung acetylcysteine. Dalam penggunaan obat ini harus SESUAI DENGAN PETUNJUK DOKTER. Pembelian obat ini memerlukan edukasi terkait penggunaan atau pengonsumsian obat yang tepat dan aman yang akan dikenakan biaya.

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Fluimucil(acetylcysteine): Peny paru akut & kronik yg berhubungan dg sekresi mukus yg kental, mis. bronkitis akut/ kronik & eksaserbasi akut, emfis.. <2 thn 100 mg/hr. Lar utk inhalasi Nebulisasi 1 amp 1-2x/hr. Gran ped utk larutan oral Anak 100 mg dilarutkan dlm 50-75 mL air,.

Fluimucil Inhalasi Apotek Aman Farma

Sediaan Obat. Granul untuk larutan oral, kapsul, tablet, sirup kering, dan inhalasi. Harga obat. Tablet: Rp8.600/tablet. Fluimucil Eff 600 Mg: Rp 18.900/tablet. Obat Fluimucil Granule 200 mg Rp 7.688/sachet. Fluimucil Dry Syrup 75 ml: Rp 77.000 /Botol. Harga obat mungkin berbeda di setiap apotek.

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Fluimucil is used for an adjunctive treatment for patients with abnormal, viscid or inspissated mucus secretions associated with conditions such as-Acute and chronic bronchopulmonary disorders (e.g. pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema, tracheobronchitis, chronic asthmatic bronchitis, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, primary amyloidosis of the lung) Atelectasis caused by mucus obstruction  .

FLUIMUCIL 100 MG/ML CAIRAN INHALASI 3 ML BOX 5 AMPUL Kegunaan, Efek Samping, Dosis dan Aturan

Fluimucil is a type of mucolytic agent that helps reduce the thickness of the sputum. It is used to treat chest congestion caused by abnormal or thick mucus production in patients with airway disorders, such as acute bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, chronic bronchitis, mucoviscidosis, bronchiectasis. It may also be used as a paracetamol.

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Pada sediaan inhalasi efek samping yang bisa terjadi misalnya hemoptisis, rhinorrhoea, dan stomatitis. Dosis Fluimucil ampul for nebulizer. Fluimucil ampul for nebulizer diberikan dengan dosis 1-2 x sehari 1 ampul. Durasi terapi 5-10 hari. Informasi dosis Acetylcysteine (berbagai formulasi) Acetylcysteine diberikan dengan dosis sebagai berikut:

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Some of the more common side effects that can occur with use of acetylcysteine include: increased coughing (as acetylcysteine breaks up the mucous in your airways) mouth sores or painful swelling.

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Acetylcysteine is for inhalation (mucolytic agent) or oral administration (acetaminophen antidote), available as a sterile, unpreserved solution (NOT FOR INJECTION). The solutions contain 20% (200 mg/mL) or 10% (100 mg/mL) acetylcysteine, with disodium edetate in water for injection. Sodium hydroxide and/or hydrochloric acid is added to adjust.

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