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Karma Counter Notebook and Handheld Karma Tracker Dharma DharmaCrafts

Best Karma Counters Champions such as Nidalee and Lissandra are strong against Karma as a Support counter. Nidalee Lissandra Graves Ezreal Garen Tristana Jarvan IV Lee Sin Zilean Ziggs Weak Against Karma Champions such as Shen and Jhin are weak against Karma. Shen Jhin Annie Tryndamere Veigar Kai'Sa Miss Fortune Amumu Ivern Zac

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Karma Counter and Tips - ChampionCounter Q W E R Counter Information 1/4 Weak Against Lulu. +41 pts Rakan. +38 pts Morgana. +34 pts Senna. +34 pts Zyra. +33 pts Blitzcrank. +32 pts + Strong Against Thresh. +23 pts Swain. +21 pts Qiyana. +18 pts Sett. +17 pts


Based on our analysis of 3 643 matches, the best counters for Karma Top are Kennen, Sion, Olaf, Rumble and Darius. On the other hand, Karma Top counters Warwick, Vayne, Cho'Gath, Kled and Dr. Mundo. Builds ARAM Arena new Nexus Blitz new Counters Guide Combos Pro Builds Emerald + All regions Ranked Solo 13.24 Karma matchups Top โˆ™ Patch 13.24

The Law of Karma and Reincarnation Types of Karma Good and Bad Karma

Karma support has a 49.82 % win rate in Emerald + on Patch 13.24 coming in at rank 55 of 73 and graded C Tier on the LoL Tierlist. Karma support is a strong counter to Hwei, Swain & Pantheon while Karma is countered most by Maokai, Pyke & Sona. The best Karma players have a 54.96 % win rate with an average rank of Master on the Karma Leaderboard.

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Based on our analysis of 79 676 matches, the best counters for Karma Support are Sona, Maokai, Pyke, Sylas and Rakan. On the other hand, Karma Support counters Hwei, Pantheon, Swain, Renata Glasc and Seraphine. Builds ARAM Arena new Nexus Blitz new Counters Guide Combos Pro Builds Emerald + All regions Ranked Solo 13.24 Karma matchups

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Based on our analysis of 1 937 matches, the best counters for Karma Mid are Pantheon, Ziggs, Kai'Sa, Gangplank and Zoe. On the other hand, Karma Mid counters Corki, Swain, Lucian, Qiyana and Vel'Koz. Builds ARAM Arena new Nexus Blitz new Counters Guide Combos Pro Builds Emerald + All regions Ranked Solo 13.24 Karma matchups Mid โˆ™ Patch 13.24

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Karma Jungle has a winRate win rate and pickRate pick rate in eloName and is currently tier.Based on our analysis of matchesCount matches, the best counters for Karma Jungle are .On the other hand, Karma Jungle counters .

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Karma Counters based on 38,126 matches Win Rate 48.1 % Pick Rate 3.8 % Ban Rate 0.6 % Rank - / - See More Stats How We Analyze Our Counter Karma Data We analyze millions of League of Legends games each week, pulled directly from Riot Games, to determine the best and worst Karma counters.

League of Legends Karma Counters How To Effectively Counter Karma

Karma Counters for Support. The highest win rate and pick rate Karma Counters. Runes, skill order, and item path for Support. LoL 13.24 Win Rate 48.74 % Pick Rate 6.63 % Ban Rate 1.81 % Build Counters Runes Items Skills Trends Tips Karma vs Thresh Karma48.55% Thresh51.45% 50.16%

Karma Counter Notebook and Handheld Karma Tracker Dharma DharmaCrafts

Karma support on Patch 13.24 is the strongest counter to support champions of Azir, Varus & Nasus. While Karma support is countered most by support champions of Annie, Maokai & Sona. Below is a detailed breakdown of Karma support counters against support champions with a minimum of 100 games.

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Karma Counters 45% 46% 46% 47% 47% Build ARAM Arena Nexus Blitz Pro Builds Trends Counters Add a Matchup Platinum+ World Karma's Champion Matchups View By Lane View By Game Karma wins lane against. Win Rate Matchup Rate Alistar 1539 Matches 64.5% 1.7% Hwei 1361 Matches 63.7% 1.5% Soraka 2422 Matches 61.3% 2.7%

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Guides Builds Counters Skins Abilities Q&A Sort: Top Rated Newest Author: All Ranked Season 13 Guides // Patch 13.24 & Patch 13.23 9.9 169 Votes 16 [13.24] Karma SUPPORT + TIER LIST + Season 14 items VIDEO Guide by Navn updated December 19, 2023 In-depth 7.6 8 Votes 3 [13.24] ULTIMATE Vaezzan (FulviaGaming-Pro) Karma| Guide

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Karma Support is ranked A Tier and has a 48.51% win rate in LoL Patch 13.24. We've analyzed 453136 Karma Support games to compile our statistical Karma Build Guide. For items, our build recommends: Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Shurelya's Battlesong, Imperial Mandate, Chemtech Putrifier, Ardent Censer, and Shard of True Ice.

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Karma Counters Karma Support vs Support Counters The most commonly encountered champions Karma counters against hardest support versus support is Hwei, Swain & Pantheon. While Karma is countered hardest in commonly encountered matchups by Sona, Pyke & Maokai.

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LOGIN. Best Karma Counters, Matchups, win rate, early and late game Karma counter picks, challenger Karma tips & tricks & counter tips.

Best Support To Counter Karma Vincendes

Karma counters & best partners - League of Legends. Karma Support 67,110 matches ( Last 2 days ) Home > Matchups > Karma Overview Stats ProBuilds Matchups Runes Skills Items Summoner Spells Jungle Paths Karma All Roles Platinum+ All regions Normal & Ranked Karma wins lane against Karma loses lane against

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