Apa Itu Hedonisme? Ini Penjelasan dan CiriCirinya

L'Hédonisme Université Populaire de Philosophie

decency. sorrow. suggest new. What is the opposite of Hedonism? Antonyms for Hedonism (opposite of Hedonism).


hedonism, in ethics, a general term for all theories of conduct in which the criterion is pleasure of one kind or another. The word is derived from the Greek hedone ("pleasure"), from hedys ("sweet" or "pleasant"). Titian: The Andrians. The Andrians, oil on canvas by Titian, c. 1523-26; in the Prado, Madrid.

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Hedonism refers to the prioritization of pleasure in one's lifestyle, actions, or thoughts. The term can include a number of theories or practices across philosophy, art, and psychology, encompassing both sensory pleasure and more intellectual or personal pursuits, but can also be used in everyday parlance as a pejorative for the egoistic pursuit of short-term gratification at the expense of.

Apa Itu Hedonisme? Ini Penjelasan dan CiriCirinya

hedonism (noun) hedonism / ˈ hiːdəˌnɪzəm/ noun. Britannica Dictionary definition of HEDONISM. [noncount] : the belief that pleasure or happiness is the most important goal in life.

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Synonyms for HEDONISTIC: luxurious, sensual, sybaritic, overindulgent, indulgent, decadent, self-indulgent, greedy; Antonyms of HEDONISTIC: sober, continent.

7 Tanda ini buktikan jika kamu sudah termasuk golongan hedonisme

2. the pursuit of pleasure as a matter of ethical principle (noun.motive) hypernym. : ethical motive, ethics, morality, morals, definition. : motivation based on ideas of right and wrong (noun.motive) 3. an ethical system that evaluates the pursuit of pleasure as the highest good (noun.cognition) derivation.


Etimologi: [Sanskerta साधारण sādhāraṇa a 'biasa, umum, universal, rata-rata, setara'] Kata hedonisme dan sederhana termasuk dalam antonim melengkapi, yakni kata-kata yang secara makna bertentangan, tetapi kehadiran makna salah satu kata bersifat melengkapi kehadiran makna yang lain. Contoh: Baca Juga: Lawan Kata Pakar dalam.

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Asketisme X Hedonisme Asli X Duplikat Asli X Palsu Autentik X Palsu Beraneka X Semacam antonim Berbeda X Sesuai Berhasil X Gagal Berongga X Rapat Berpihak X Netral Berselang-seling X Monoton Bersimbah X Kering Berubah X Konstan Bhineka X Tunggal Bonafid X Marjinal Bongsor X Kerdil Boros X Hemat Botani X Nabati Brilian X Dungu Cacat X Normal antonim

Paham Hedonisme Ujian

Hedonism. The word 'hedonism' comes from the ancient Greek for 'pleasure'. Psychological or motivational hedonism claims that only pleasure or pain motivates us. Ethical or evaluative hedonism claims that only pleasure has worth or value and only pain or displeasure has disvalue or the opposite of worth.

Pengertian Hedonisme, Ciri, Dampak, dan Contohnya

Arti kata 'hedonistik' di KBBI adalah bersifat atau ditandai dengan hedonisme. Inilah rangkuman definisi hedonistik berdasarkan Kamus Bahasa Indonesia dan berbagai referensi lainnya.. KB BI. Lektur GadgetLogi TTSave Antonim Sinonim Cek Typo Kamus Inggris-Indonesia. Arti Kata Hedonistik di Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI)


Słownik antonimów dla słowa hedonizm. W naszym słowniku wyrazów przeciwstawnych języka polskiego dla słowa hedonizm znajdują się łącznie 2 antonimy. Antonimy te podzielone zostały na 1 grupę znaczeniową. Jeżeli znasz inne wyrazy o przeciwnym znaczeniu słowa „hedonizm" lub potrafisz określić ich nowy kontekst znaczeniowy.

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Synonyms for HEDONISM: sensuality, greed, carnality, voluptuousness, debauchery, sybaritism, wantonness, rapacity; Antonyms of HEDONISM: abstinence, temperance.

⚡ Aristippus hedonism. The Birth of Hedonism The Cyrenaic Philosophers and Pleasure as a Way of

Antonyms for hedonism include abstinence, asceticism, sobriety, temperance, dissatisfaction, self-restraint, sorrow, unhappiness, restraint and continence. Find more.

Poster Infografik Hedonisme PDF

Seperti kata dalam bahasa Indonesia pada umumnya, hedonisme juga memiliki persamaan kata atau sinonim. Berikut di antaranya: Meskipun mungkin frasa dan kata di atas memiliki arti yang tidak sama persis, namun semua persamaan kata tersebut memiliki arti yang serupa. Namun sebaiknya kamu tetap memperhatikan arti kata-kata di atas dengan konteks.

Matthew Dowling Worldview The Problem of Hedonism

Find 9 different ways to say HEDONISM, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.

i n s p i r i t Budaya Hedonisme Dalam Kalangan Remaja

hedonism: [noun] the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in life.

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